Daino Marble Biancone

The Doe Biancone

Daino Biancone

Doe Biancone


Sardinia – Italy


The Daino Marble Biancone is a limestone formed from overlapping layers of millimeter-sized clasts graded well cemented.

In Doe Biancone stratification levels are light beige color to become white in cases of first class commercial selections.

Daino Marble Biancone feature is its high weather resistance given by the axial pressure of the material over time.


The Daino Marble block cutting Biancone slabs follows the natural course of the grain to.


The Doe Biancone for its geological finish finds the following types of operations: Potting Compound – Sanding – Polishing – Brushing – Antique Finish – Bush-Hammering.

Major Internal Applications:

The Daino Marble Biancone for his coloring from beige to white and the geological finish inside of housing and commercial use that pet as: Flooring – Coatings – Washbasins and bathtubs – Kitchen shelves.

Main External Applications:

The Doe Biancone outside is used for all uses and building private-public furnishings and furniture due to its high resistance to atmospheric agents both warm and cold.


The Daino Marble Biancone at filing Cus. Mar. Import Export is available in blocks Slabs from 2 and 3 cm for finished products.

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